Ancient Greek Philosophers Brought to Life by AI

2 weeks ago 186
Ancient Greek Scientists Socrates brought backmost to beingness tells his story. Credit: Equator AI

Ancient Greek scientists and philosophers are brought backmost to beingness and archer their stories successful this captivating video produced done Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Equator AI created the video utilizing the latest artificial quality exertion to bring these large thinkers to beingness and person them archer their beingness stories successful their ain words.

With the assistance of virtual world and AI, we are capable to measurement into their satellite and larn astir their fascinating achievements and insights.

From Herodotus to Plato, past Greek scientists and philosophers archer their story

In the video, we perceive from Herodotus, a historiographer and geographer from the Greek metropolis of Halicarnassus, portion of the Persian Empire, and aboriginal a national of Thurii successful modern Calabria (Italy).

He is known for having written the Histories – a elaborate relationship of the Greco-Persian Wars. Herodotus was the archetypal writer to execute a systematic probe of humanities events. He is referred to arsenic “The Father of History”, a rubric conferred connected him by the past Roman orator Cicero.

Greek mathematician Thales, astronomer, statesman, and pre-Socratic philosopher from Miletus successful Ionia, Asia Minor, tells america his story. Many, astir notably Aristotle, regarded him arsenic the archetypal philosopher successful the Greek tradition, and helium is different historically recognized arsenic the archetypal idiosyncratic known to person entertained and engaged successful technological philosophy. He is often referred to arsenic the Father of Science.

Homer follows. He is credited arsenic the writer of the Iliad and the Odyssey, 2 epic poems that are foundational works of past Greek literature. Homer is considered 1 of the astir revered and influential authors successful history.

The Greek statesman and orator of past Athens, Demosthenes, stated “I americium known for my fiery speeches and beardown absorption to the enlargement of Macedonian powerfulness led by King Philip the Second.” His orations represent a important look of modern Athenian intelligence prowess and supply penetration into the authorities and civilization of past Greece during the 4th period BC.

“I was a pupil of Plato and aboriginal became the tutor of Alexander the Great,” Aristotle says arsenic helium introduces himself. His writings screen a wide scope of subjects including physics, biology, zoology, metaphysics, logic, ethics, aesthetics, poetry, drama, music, rhetoric, psychology, linguistics, economics, politics, meteorology, geology, and government.

Socrates, who follows, says helium lived a elemental beingness rejecting worldly possessions. “Unfortunately I was sentenced to decease for my ideas and teaching. But my bequest lived connected done by students, peculiarly Plato,” the Athenian philosopher says.

Naturally his disciple Plato follows. Plato founded the Academy, a philosophical schoolhouse wherever helium taught philosophical doctrines that would aboriginal go known arsenic Platonism.

Plato was an innovator of the written dialog and dialectic forms successful philosophy. He raised problems for what aboriginal became each the large areas of some theoretical doctrine and applicable philosophy. His astir celebrated publication is the Theory of Forms, wherever helium presents a solution to the occupation of universals.

Finally determination is Chrysippus, a Greco-Phoenician Stoic philosopher. He was a autochthonal of Soli, Cilicia, but, arsenic a young man, moved to Athens wherever helium became a pupil of the Stoic philosopher Cleanthes. When Cleanthes died, astir 230 BC, Chrysippus became the 3rd caput of the Stoic school.

A prolific writer, Chrysippus expanded the cardinal doctrines of Cleanthes’ mentor Zeno of Citium, the laminitis and archetypal caput of the school, which earned him the rubric of the Second Founder of Stoicism.

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