Telecommunications providers’ shares remained stable

2 weeks ago 10

The marketplace shares of the three telecommunications providers – OTE, Vodafone and Nova – person remained unchanged, though user mobility (phone fig portability) is increasing.

According to the Market Overview Report for 2023 released by the Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission (EETT), OTE’s stock successful fixed telephony (based connected retail revenues from the proviso of telephony and nett services) stood astatine 62.1% compared to 62.2% successful 2022, Vodafone’s betwixt 15%-20% (unchanged) and Nova’s betwixt 20%-25% compared to 5%-10% (Wind and Forthnet-Nova merger took place).

At the aforesaid time, portability requests accrued by 18.1% (377,176) and the numbers transferred by 10.7% (346,130). Transfers were completed for astir 92% of the archetypal portability requests.

In mobile telephony, based connected retail revenues, the marketplace shares arsenic presented by EETT person remained unchanged implicit the past 10 years with OTE betwixt 45%-55%, Vodafone 25%-35% and Nova 15%-25%.

During the year under review, the fig of applications submitted for the transfer of mobile telephone numbers showed a important summation of 53.5%, reaching 795,770 applications, while 673,187 numbers were ultimately transferred, an summation of 56.9% compared to '22 (transfers were completed for astir 85% of the archetypal requests).

The industry’s turnover fell to 5 cardinal euros, from 5.1 cardinal successful 2023, with gross from services accounting for the largest percent (85.2%). The publication of the turnover of the physics communications assemblage to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) stood astatine 2.3% successful 2023, showing a diminution compared to 2022, fixed that GDP roseate by 6.6% compared to a alteration of 1.4% successful turnover successful the physics communications market.

The total investments of the providers amounted to astir 1 cardinal euros and amounted to 20.3% of their turnover, signaling an summation of 9.3% compared to 2022.

More than 50% of the investments person been made successful fixed networks successful the past 5 years, with the objection of 2020, the year when the rights to use vigor frequencies successful the 700 MHz, 2 GHz, 3400-3800 MHz and 26 GHz bands were granted, with the purpose of processing 5th procreation (5G) mobile communications networks.

The investments of the providers successful 2023 focused, astatine a complaint of 53.6%, chiefly connected telecommunications infrastructure and then (18.7%) connected probe and improvement (e.g. software, caller services).

Over the past 5 years, the bulk of investments, astatine a complaint of implicit 50%, person been tangible (infrastructure, buildings, equipment, etc.), with the objection of 2020, when intangibles (research and development, licenses, etc.) predominated owed to the granting of usage rights.

Regarding the people of fixed telephony successful narration to mobile: Fixed telephony connections accrued by 4.4% (5.1 million) successful 2023, while progressive subscriptions – mobile connections showed a marginal alteration of 0.04% (11.3 million). However, revenues followed the other course: Mobile retail revenues roseate by 2.1% compared to '22 and amounted to 1.8 cardinal euros, while fixed services retail revenues fell by 2% to 1.4 cardinal euros.

Furthermore, based connected information collected by EETT, the fig of telecommunications employees successful 2023 appears to person accrued by 3.3% compared to a year agone (9.2 thousand). It should beryllium noted that the fig of telecommunications employees has been importantly reduced successful the past ten years, arsenic the assemblage employed 15.8 thousand successful 2014.

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