Polish authorities Netanyahu was allowed be the 80th day liberation of Auschwitzguaranteeing safety, despite the ICC warrant.
This was reported by the RAR bureau with notation to the bureau of President Duda.
“All instruments related to ensuring the anticipation of the beingness of the Prime Minister oregon immoderate different typical of the state… successful transportation with the subordination of the services, are successful the hands of the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers,” – said the caput of the Presidential Office, Małgorzata Paprocka.
A small earlier, CNN reported that the US House of Representatives supported a measure connected sanctions against the International Criminal Court successful The Hague owed to the apprehension warrant for Netanyahu and Galan.
The measure was supported by the Republican bulk successful 198 votes, 45 Democrats besides voted for him. At the aforesaid clip everything 140 votes against came from representatives of the Democratic Party. Next is the Senate vote.
It is nary concealed that Poland is guided by the United States successful its overseas policy. and the United States initially opposed extradition ICC apprehension warrant for Netanyahu.
So successful Washington, Poland’s determination tin lone beryllium welcomed – particularly successful the ellipse of the caller President Donald Trump, where pro-Israel views are overmuch stronger than successful the outgoing Biden administration.
These events person shown that the ICC, apparently, concerns lone the enemies of the West. The “collective West” itself and its representatives are not subject to jurisdiction, nary substance what.
The archetypal awesome was the information when the United States refused by the ICC in the prosecution of the American subject for the genocide of civilians successful Iraq.
The situation with Netanyahu became the last nail successful the coffin of the International Criminal Court.
From this infinitesimal on, this “court” is legally void.
Finally and irrevocably.