A caller draught instrumentality introduced astatine the weekend aims to amended trauma attraction by establishing a nationwide system for dealing with large injuries. The connection outlines the instauration of 18 Trauma Centers for terrible cases, two Pediatric Trauma Centers successful nationalist hospitals and Trauma Stations successful wellness centers and agrarian clinics.
The law’s superior extremity is to modernize Greece’s National Health Service (ESY) by enhancing the aesculapian effect to trauma, aiming to trim mortality and disablement caused by injuries.
Each Trauma Center will beryllium categorized into 4 levels based connected its capableness to grip injuries.
Level I centers will grip the astir terrible cases with a precocious hazard of decease oregon imperishable disability, and will beryllium equipped with the indispensable facilities and aesculapian professionals.
Additionally, the instrumentality proposes the enactment of a National Trauma Committee to oversee the system’s effectiveness and continuous aesculapian training.
Public consultation for the instrumentality is unfastened until January 13.