New Service Enables Secure Reporting of Minor-Related Delinquency

2 weeks ago 24

A caller work for reporting incidents of insignificant delinquency successful Greece oregon affecting juveniles, launched arsenic portion of the collaboration betwixt the Ministries of Digital Governance and Citizen Protection, will beryllium available via arsenic of Wednesday, Nov. 20.

This caller work has been designed with the utmost information for the sensitivity required successful issues involving insignificant delinquency successful Greece. It allows users, some adults and minors, to study incidents of delinquent behaviour involving minors, either arsenic victims oregon perpetrators, easy and securely.

Citizens tin entree the work either straight done, under the conception “Citizen and Daily Life” and the subsection “Complaints”, oregon via a nexus available successful the “Safe Youth” mobile exertion of the Ministry of Citizen Protection.

Step-by-Step Procedure:

  • Access without authentication: Users bash not request to log successful to use the service.
  • Declare property group: Users bespeak whether they are minors oregon adults.
  • Provide interaction details: They participate a mobile telephone fig oregon email code and corroborate it via an OTP code.
  • Submit information: They implicit applicable fields, sharing arsenic overmuch accusation arsenic they consciousness comfy with regarding the incident. This tin see details such arsenic time, method, frequency, and progressive parties.

By utilizing the service, users lend to the probe of these incidents by the competent Greek Juvenile Services Division.

It should besides beryllium noted that via the precocious introduced inaugural ‘Safe Youth’ exertion citizens person entree to specially tailored informative worldly regarding the information of children and adolescents, arsenic well arsenic an exigency button.


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