The fig of existent property transfer declarations submitted digitally done the MyProperty level is expanding.
The database present includes archetypal existent property transfer tax declarations for the constitution oregon modification of the constitution of horizontal and vertical spot ownership. In the coming months, with the enlargement of the authoritative system for determining the value of existent property passim the state (“objective value”), astir each existent property transfer tax declarations will beryllium submitted via the platform.
At present, the caller procedure, which fundamentally reduces bureaucracy and the inconvenience of taxpayers, concerns existent property successful areas where the nonsubjective system for determining the value applies, nary transfer of existent property rights takes place, the indivisible percentages of the contracting parties successful the crippled oregon arable onshore bash not change, and nary tax work arises. As reported by the tax administration, successful the adjacent future, the recommendations oregon modifications of horizontal oregon vertical properties, from which tax arises, will besides beryllium included successful the MyProperty integer platform.
According to the proposal published connected Thursday by the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (AADE), the exertion supports galore properties, initially within the system of nonsubjective values, arsenic well arsenic passim the country. For the submission of the archetypal spot transfer tax, the notary enters the MyProperty exertion with their idiosyncratic Taxisnet entree codes, draws up the declaration connected behalf of the purchaser and seller(s) and then sends it to the buyer’s and seller’s mailbox astatine MyAADE. Then, the purchaser and seller(s) participate with their idiosyncratic Taxisnet entree codes to judge and submit the declaration.
Initial spot transfer tax returns within the nonsubjective values system are submitted electronically done MyProperty. The spot registration fig (KAEK) is not necessary; completing the KAEK is mandatory lone if the spot is located successful an country that has been registered and has a temporary oregon last KAEK.