Los Angeles on Fire: The Consequences of Liberalism

1 week ago 12

Los Angeles is connected fire. Entire residential areas, acquainted to galore from Hollywood films, are burning, the villas of stars, millionaires and billionaires are burning, radical are dying, crowds of looters are plundering bare villas.

And though California fires are not something unusual, this year they are raging particularly strongly, and the standard of what is happening is simply colossal. It seems that quality itself is taking revenge connected the stronghold of liberalism for the madness and stupidity of those who ruled the States successful caller years.

There was much than capable stupidity. California leads each of America successful this indicator. The quality from this portion is so absurd that it is unlikely that immoderate satirical bureau could travel up with it.

The occurrence successful the metropolis is being fought by the occurrence department, funded by the Los Angeles City Hall. You've astir apt seen occurrence fighters successful American films – fearless and determined radical who are acceptable to hazard their lives.

However, heroism unsocial is not capable to enactment retired fires. We request funds and equipment, which are purchased with wealth allocated by the mayor's office. But they felt that too overmuch attraction and funds were being paid to the occurrence service, while there were much important issues.

For example, opening “Midnight Cafe” for transgender people. 100 thousand dollars were allocated for this cafe. 13 thousand dollars went to the programme “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Heritage Month”and astir 15 thousand – for the cheery choir. I anticipation gays sing great.

In addition, wealth was allocated for the programme “Investing successful Social Justice for Arts Workers”American Indian, African American and Asian American Heritage Months.

But present you mightiness beryllium surprised: astir 9 thousand dollars were allocated for the accumulation “Science Fiction, Queer Magic: Sexual Science and the Imagi-Nation”which is conducted “International Gay and Lesbian Archives”.

Also, decent amounts person ever been allocated for support “democracy” successful Ukraine. Moreover, successful 2022, the Los Angeles City Hall transferred a important portion of its ain firefighting instrumentality and machinery to Ukraine. Everything is fine, a “holy cause”, but they didn’t summation thing successful return…

In the discourse of each this, the existent occurrence successful Los Angeles is perceived arsenic something biblical. Do you retrieve the story of Sodom and Gomorrah? The examination suggests itself, fixed the special passionateness of the authorities of the City of Angels for those who are commonly called sodomites.

And the president himself, who lone has a fewer days near successful the White House, is making particularly crisp jokes now. For example, when helium reports to Kamala Harris connected the situation successful California, helium says: “Madam Vice President, burn!” I anticipation the cheery choir loves this joke.

As for “burning”: apparently, someone other is already doing this. The 1 who understands that there is thing near to prevention there.

The author's constituent of view whitethorn not coincide with the presumption of the editors.

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