A transgression enactment progressive successful trafficking foreigners to exploit them for begging was been dismantled connected Tuesday successful Athens by the Organized Crime division.
Four pack members, including the ringleader, person been arrested connected charges of forming a transgression organization, quality trafficking, exploitation done begging and confiscation of travel documents. Two further members, implicated successful the aforesaid crimes, are presently being sought.
An extended constabulary probe uncovered the group, which was progressive since astatine slightest May 2021. The suspects systematically recruited, transported and brought into Greece vulnerable individuals from overseas with the intent to exploit them done forced begging.
The pack targeted individuals facing economic, social, intelligence oregon carnal challenges. They falsely promised them morganatic employment successful Athens oregon a stock of the wealth they would cod done begging. These mendacious assurances secured the victims’ consent to travel them successful Greece, transported by the gang’s vehicles oregon buses.
Victims were housed successful squalid conditions successful a rented flat successful Athens, where pack members controlled them by confiscating their travel documents. Each day, the victims were transported to engaged areas, forced to beg for hours, and equipped with wheelchairs and orthopedic immunodeficiency to fake disabilities and summation sympathy. The pack seized each the wealth collected, profiting significantly.