Greece’s existent relationship surplus decreased successful July year-on-year owed to a deterioration successful the equilibrium of goods, the equilibrium of services and the superior income account, portion the secondary income relationship improved slightly, the Bank of Greece reported connected Friday.
In January-July 2024, the existent relationship shortage accrued by 1.3 cardinal euros year-on-year and stood astatine €8.6 billion.
This chiefly reflected an summation of the goods deficit, arsenic exports dropped portion imports increased. At existent prices, goods exports fell by 1.3% (‑4.3% astatine changeless prices) and goods imports grew by 4.1% (4.8% astatine changeless prices).
Non-oil goods exports astatine existent prices declined by 2.7%, portion the corresponding imports accrued by 5.4% (‑5.6% and 5.7% astatine changeless prices, respectively).
In January-July, the shortage of the combined existent and superior relationship (which corresponds to the economy’s needs for financing from abroad) accrued year-on-year and amounted to €9.1 billion.
Foreign nonstop concern successful the aforesaid play showed a €978.1 cardinal nett travel nether residents’ outer assets and a €2.6 cardinal nett travel nether residents’ outer liabilities, representing non-residents’ nonstop concern successful Greece.
Under portfolio investment, a emergence successful residents’ outer assets is mostly attributed to an summation of €3.3 cardinal successful residents’ holdings of overseas bonds and treasury bills.